Diani beach nightlife DOUBLE WRAP.

diani nightlife wrap up

Diani beach is renowned for its nightlife. Blessed with some of the most paradise beaches along the Kenyan coastline, this fantastic little town is bustling when it comes to restaurants, bars hotels and nightclubs. During the day the beaches are filled with water sports fanatics and sunbathers, but when the sun goes down, Diani becomes a whole new playing field.

Many hotels in Diani have their own in-house entertainment bars and restaurants and are quite welcoming to outsiders. The main Diani beach road is lined with small bars, restaurants, and nightclubs, a little something for everyone depending on your mood and what tickles your fancy. Guaranteed at every stop to get a welcoming smile.

when it comes to things to do and places to go in Diani, you will wish you had booked a longer stay as there is always something happening and never a dull moment.

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Diani beach nightlife DOUBLE WRAP.

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