Is KENYA SAFE to travel for TOURISTS 2022? The truth.

is kenya safe to travel for tourists

Is it safe for tourists to travel to Kenya in 2022? Yes, it is safe but there are certain things you need to be aware of. I was born and grew up in this country so I can give you my first-hand experience on what to avoid and what to be aware of to make your visit as pleasant and safe as possible.

As we come to the end of 2021, we have seen many economical disruptions mainly caused by the knock-on effect of the corona virus. This has created a financial burden to many areas including tourism one of Kenya’s biggest industries. This has not only affected Hotels, restaurants, and wildlife parks It has had an effect all the way down the line to the humble locals making a living selling their goods and services to travellers.

In a poor country with no benefits or social security handouts this becomes a life-or-death situation, harsh as that may seem, it is true, if you cannot put food on the table you starve. The point I am putting across is when these situations happen people become desperate and anyone who looks like they may have money or valuables on them can become a target.

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kongo river great boat footage
chistanze falls shimba hills

If you’re thinking of traveling to Kenya, you may be wondering if it’s a safe destination. While there are some areas that are considered safer than others, Kenya is generally a safe place to travel for tourists. Here we’ll take a look at what you need to know before traveling to Kenya, including where the safest places are to stay and which activities are best avoided. We’ll also give you some tips on how to stay safe while in Kenya. So, is Kenya safe for tourists? Let’s take a closer look.

Kenya is a wonderfully diverse and scenic country, home to an array of animals found nowhere else on the planet. For tourists looking to explore Africa, Kenya is a great place to start. However, it’s important to be aware of the risks associated with travelling in Kenya before you go. In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the factors that make Kenya safe for tourists and some of the risks you should be aware of. So, is Kenya safe for tourists? The answer is yes, but please use caution when travelling in certain areas. 

With the recent terror attacks in various countries around the world, it’s natural to be concerned about whether you should visit a particular destination. So, what is the answer when it comes to Kenya? Is it safe to travel there right now?

The short answer is yes – Kenya is still safe to travel for tourists. However, you do need to exercise some caution while you’re there, as with any other destination. There are certain areas that you should avoid, and it’s always important to be aware of your surroundings. But if you take the necessary precautions, then you shouldn’t have any problems traveling in

What should tourists avoid when visting Kenya

is kenya safe to travel

Kenya is one of the most beautiful and diverse countries in Africa, home to countless tourist attractions. However, as with any country, there are some areas that tourists should avoid visiting. In this blog post, we will outline the areas to avoid in Kenya, so that you can be sure to have a safe and enjoyable trip. Keep reading for more information!

When you go out make sure you take the bare minimum possessions with you, a small amount of cash what you need for your outing and no bank cards because in the unfortunate event that you do get robbed, they will take everything and the last thing you want is to be stranded without access to your bank account

We all like to look best we can when we go out but avoid wearing expensive jewellery especially gold and silver (you don’t need to impress anyone) it will make you a target. Even wedding bands and engagement rings should be removed as it has been known for people to lose their finger just to get the ring. Being flash with the cash here does not work and will only attract the wrong people and you really don’t want to do that.

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Swahili beach diani
arrive at chistanze falls_Moment(3)

In august 2022 the presidential elections will be taking place in Kenya. Althought this is normally peacefull and safe, there is growing cnflict between the luos and kikuyus against the Kalejin tribes ( and visa versa) I would take precautions on traveling to kenya during this time.

One of the most popular payment methods in Kenya is via an app called mpesa. It is well worth downloading this app and making payments this way rather than carrying loads ocash or bank cards everywhere you go.

Buy or take a cheap phone with you and purchase a Safaricom sim card. Keep your normal phone in the hotel safe for emergencies. If you think you will look good just because you are walking around with the latest iPhone 12 pro or top of the range Samsung YOU WONT. In fact, you will become a big target and i guarantee you will be going home without it.

Avoid carrying bags (including handbags and money pouches) when you go out. These again are telling potential opportunists that you are carrying important personal items. Pickpockets are rife, especially in busy bars and nightclubs and bags are their favourites.

Be careful of potential lovers or friends you pick up in bars and clubs (no matter how friendly and safe they may seem) Avoid taking them back to your apartment or hotel room where you have all your belongings. Book another Hotel room if necessary and make sure at some point you take a selfie with them and send a copy to a friend as this will help police identify them in worst case scenario.

Avoid going out alone. If you plan to meet up with others, take a taxi or tuk tuk to your destination and under no circumstances walk around in unlighted areas late at night even if there are a few of you. You have no defence against machetes and guns and should this situation present itself give them what they want and don’t try to be a hero. YOU WILL COME OUT WORST.

I know this may all seem a bit harsh and a bit over the top. ITS NOT. Don’t forget this is a poor and corrupt country, i say corrupt because at times even the police have been known to be part of these gangs. Be very vigilant and always keep your wits about you, this does not mean you cannot go out and have a drink and enjoy yourself but just be sure anything you have on you will not be a nightmare if you lose it. These are all true facts based on what I have experienced happening to other people.

Kenya is a beautiful country, but when you visit it for the first time, there are some places that you might want to avoid. Kanyasm in Kenya is one of those places. It’s a slum in Mombasa and it’s so bad that tourists have been advised not to go there at all costs!

is kenya safe for tourists

Why is Tourism so bad in Kenya?

With the covid restrictions in place I think tourism has been greatly affected in many parts of the world. pre covid Tourism in Kenya (although taking a fall in some areas) was generally normal. Safari and paradise beaches being the main attraction.

Kenya has always been considered a safe destination for tourists with its prestige beaches and abundance of wildlife. Unfortunately, terrorism attacks, muggings, theft and poverty-stricken areas on the rise (slums) does have an effect on where tourists want to travel.

There are so many choices now for tourists to choose from (including south Africa) and although Kenya is one of the first places people think of it is slowly being replaced by other more secure destinations with better pricing and easier to get to.

Do you require a visa to enter Kenya

kenya evisa

Do you need a visa to visit Kenya? The short answer is yes, unless you are a citizen of one of the countries that Kenya has a visa-on-arrival agreement with. In this blog post, we’ll take a closer look at what type of visa you need for Kenya and how to go about getting it. We’ll also provide some tips on things to do in Diani Beach, one of the most popular tourist destinations in Kenya. So whether you’re planning a trip to Kenya or are just curious about what’s required for a visa, keep reading!

Do you need a visa to visit Kenya? This is a question that many tourists ask, and it can be tricky to determine whether or not you do require a visa. In this blog post, we will outline the different types of visas that are available for Kenyan nationals, as well as the requirements for each type of visa. So, if you are planning on traveling to Kenya in the near future, make sure to read on!

If you’re a tourist planning to visit Kenya, you may be wondering if you need a visa. The good news is you only neeed an  to enter Kenya for stays of up to 30 days. However, there are a few exceptions, so it’s always best to check with the Kenyan embassy or consulate in your country before traveling. In this blog post, we’ll provide an overview of the types of visas available and the requirements for each one. So, whether you’re just starting to plan your trip or are already in Africa, hopefully this post will help clear up any questions you have about visas for Kenya.

How can do you apply for a Kenya E.Visa?

    1. Application Information


    Issued to persons whose nationalities require visa to enter kenya either for Tourism, Visit, Medical, Business or Work.


    1. Valid travel document not less than six months.
    2. Complete visa application form.
    3. At least three blank pages in the holders passport.
    4. Return ticket.
    5. Visa processing fee is non-refundable.
    6. All Visa Applications attract a $1 Service Charge.
    7. Incomplete applications will be rejected.
    8. The possession of a visa is not the final authority to enter the Republic of Kenya.
    9. Engaging in any form of business or employment without a requisite permit or pass is an offence.
    10. Please note that a visa is required prior to entry into Kenya.
    11. Please Note Children under sixteen(16) year and Below are exempted from visa payment and are not expected to make visa application.
    12. Provision of false information will lead to automatic rejection of visa.
    13. The validity of a multiple entry visas (MEV) will range from three to twelve (3-12) months.
    14. Possession of a multiple entry visa (MEV) does not confer residency.
    15. In the event of lapse during payment please do not re-apply, contact the administrator on
    16. Inappropriate document uploads will lead to automatic rejection of the visa.
    17. Upload recent colour passport size photo with a clear background.
    18. Holders of Diplomatic and Service Passports coming on official duty qualify for Courtesy Visa.


    Visa Type

    Visa Fees

    SINGLE ENTRY VISA + Service Charge


    TRANSIT ENTRY VISA + Service Charge


    COURTESY ENTRY VISA + Service Charge




    MULTIPLE ENTRY VISA + Service Charge


    5yr MULTIPLE ENTRY VISA + Service Charge


    Fast Tracked Visa Fees

    Coming Soon

    Special Note



kenya evisa

Kenya’s e-visa is a visa that allows tourists to apply online. Once you have applied for the visa, your passport will be processed in Kenya and then sent back to you. You can then use it as your travel document when entering Kenya at any of the entry points (airports, seaports or land borders). The e-visa process takes about two days for processing and costs $50 USD. It only applies if you are not coming from an African country or one of the countries on the exempt list below: Algeria, Angola, Benin Republic, Botswana Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC), Djibouti Republic of Equatorial Guinea (REGP), Gabon Gambia Ghana Liberia Libya Lesotho

The process is quite simple and straightforward, but it is important to follow the guidelines. First you will need a passport, a completed application form, and evidence of Kenya-related travel plans. After that all you have to do is submit your visa request in person at any Kenyan embassy or consulate abroad or in person at one of our offices here in Kenya.
A kenya Evisa can be applied for online by following these steps: 1) go onto 2) fill out the form 3) pay 4) print confirmation page 5) bring your letter with you when applying for an eVisa 6) apply 7 days before departure 8

A visa is a stamp or sticker that you get stamped in your passport. Before travelling to Kenya, it’s important to know how and where you can apply for one. To start the process of applying for a Kenyan e-visa, visit this link: . When you click on the link, there will be some text that tells you what type of visa it is and how long it lasts for (up to 60 days). You then have to fill out an online form with your name, email address, phone number and passport details before submitting your request which takes about 10 minutes

Kevin Harrington profile

Kevin Harrington is a keen photographer, blogger, and professional chef for over 40 years. With a passion for cooking and travel, Chefstravels was born. Thank you for visiting my site and I wish you every success in what you do.

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Is KENYA SAFE to travel for TOURISTS 2022? The truth.

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