The drive to CHALE ISLAND via DIANI beach road. LIONS??

road to chale island via diani road

The drive to Chale Island via the Diani beach road takes about 45 minutes depending on how you chose to get there. it’s about 9 miles from Diani shopping centre. There are several ways to get to chale island, you can take a tour bus from different locations in Diani, or you can make your own way there using the Diani beach road.

Choosing a tour bus or vehicle will add to the cost ranging from 5oo shillings upwards when you find your own way there you will only need to pay the entrance fee to the island of 4000.00 shillings. (£28.00 approximately). this will include passage to the island by boat or tractor (depending on tide) and includes a meal.

How do you get to Chale island

Chale Island is one of those places that I’ve always wanted to visit – with its sandy coves and secluded beach bars, it’s the definition of paradise! With so many reasons why you should visit this amazing island, today we are going to talk about how do you get there?

Exploring the Kenyan Coast is an experience like no other. There are beautiful beaches, amazing wildlife, and incredible people to meet. But if you’re not sure where to start your adventure, this blog post will give you all the information you’ll need about one of Kenya’s most popular destinations- chale island and how to get there.

In this video, I take you on an amazing road trip to the beautiful Chale Island via the old Diani beach road. It is about a 45-minute ride with stops on the way. we pass the Bora Bora wildlife park (there is a link to this video) and stop at the kaya Kinondo sacred village for information. We also spot some old lion statues on the way, relics from colonial safari days no doubt.

all in all, a fantastic old style safari road and well worth a Trek. you can park your vehicle when you arrive at the Chale reception where you can get a boat or tractor to the island. For the best deal on goggling and beach BBQ on the paradise beach on Chale Island contact Maka on 0799511719. (Kenya number)

If you’re looking for a place to get away from it all, then Chale Island is the perfect destination. The island has been on my bucket list for some time now and I am so excited to finally be able to go this weekend! This blog post will give you some information about how to get there and what sights await!

Every year, many tourists to Kenya visit the coastal towns of Mombasa and Diani. One popular destination for these tourists is Chale Island. Located just off the coast of Diani, Chale Island is a small island perfect for getting away from the crowds. It’s only about a 15 minute boat ride, but it feels like you’re in another world when you get there!

Where is Chale island located ?

how to get to chale island

Chale island is a peninsula in kwale county, Sometimes referred to as an island, it has so much to offer from paradise beaches, goggling with amazing sea life with beautiful corrals, BBQs on the beach to just chilling on the white sandy beach with clear blue ocean to bathe in when it gets too hot.

The island of Chale is in the Indian Ocean, off the coast of Kenya. Although it is called an island it is in fact a peninsula surrounded by water when the tide is in but clearly can be seen as connected to the mainland when the tide goes out. At real low tide it is possible to walk to Chale Island from the mainland, but to enter the island will cost a fee.  

You may be wondering how you can visit Chale Island? Well, if you are not able to make it there by boat then don’t worry. You can fly into Mombasa International Airport and take a short 25-minute flight over to Diani airstrip; from the airstrip you can take a taxi or tuk tuk to the end of the Diani beach road where you can take a short boat or tractor ride to the island.

What can you do on Chale island?

Chale Island is one of the lesser known jewels in Kenya’s tourism crown. Located just off the coast of Diani Beach, it offers a serene and peaceful getaway from the hustle and bustle of the mainland. Here are five fun things to do on Chale Island:
1) Relax on the beach and soak up the sun.
2) Swim in the crystal-clear waters.
3) Take a walk or bike ride through the lush vegetation.
4) Go fishing or snorkelling.
5) Sample some of the delicious local cuisine.

Chale Island is a beautiful gem in the Kenyan coastline and offers plenty of activities for tourists to enjoy. From snorkelling in the crystal-clear waters to hiking through the lush vegetation, there is something for everyone on this idyllic island. So, if you’re looking for an unforgettable tropical holiday, be sure to add Chale Island to your itinerary!

Chale Island is a beautiful and secluded island located about 20 minutes from Diani Beach, Mombasa. Although small, the island offers plenty of activities for visitors to enjoy such as swimming, snorkelling, sunbathing, and hiking. There is also a small restaurant on the island serving up delicious African cuisine. If you’re looking for a quiet and peaceful getaway, be sure to visit Chale Island!

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Kevin Harrington is a keen photographer, blogger, and professional chef for over 40 years. With a passion for cooking and travel, Chefstravels was born. Thank you for visiting my site and I wish you every success in what you do.

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The drive to CHALE ISLAND via DIANI beach road. LIONS??