STILTS BACKPACKERS hostel & treetop bar Diani beach

stilts backpackers hostel bar diani

One of my favourite bars in Diani is Stilts treetop bar. This backpacker’s hostel is renowned for its amazing, chilled atmosphere and fantastic karaoke and bonfire nights. Tucked away in out of site from the Diani beach road, Stilts is an amazing treetop bar built of natural timber with a traditional coastal vibe Stilts is well worth a visit.

When you have had a few drinks and you feel it’s time to show the world your talent, Karaoke at Stilts is great fun. A mixture of singing talent and well hosted. so if you like your Karaoke then head down to Stilts on a Thursday night (check for updates before you go)

Not only do Stilts put on a fantastic Karaoke and bonfire night, most evenings around 7pm is bush baby feeding time. For whatever reason these nocturnal creatures know when to arrive. You can participate in feeding these beautiful little animals.

Stilts bar Diani opening hours

  • Monday 09.00-23.00am 
  • Tuesday  09.00-23.00am
  • Wednesday  09.00-23.00am
  • Sunday 09.00-23.00am
  • Thursday 09.00-23.00am
  • Friday 09.00-24.00
  • Saturday 09.00-23.00am
  • Holidays-same

Is Stilts bar Diani safe at night?

My advice on this matter and from my own experience, be nice to people, smile and be polite. BUT DO NOT TRUST ANYONE. Take minimum personal belongings with you and do not over dress with fancy jewellery and watches. Pickpockets are common, so leave anything of value in the hotel safe.

Stilts bar is about 800 yards off the main road and when you get to the main road from Stilts bar you are in an unlit area in the middle of nowhere and could be vulnerable so I highly recommend ordering a taxi or tuk tuk whilst you are at the bar.

There is an app called m-pessa and safaricom this form of payment is accepted in most places, you may need to visit one of the big sores to add money to your account but this saves you carrying money around except for small change for tuk tuks or taxis.

You can have a fantastic night partying and drinking generally without any issues but be always vigilant and do not take strangers back to your hotel or apartment. Take public transport to and from club’s bars or restaurants and do not walk along unlit roads on your own, especially at night.

Places to visit near Stilts bar Diani

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Kevin Harrington is a keen photographer, blogger, and professional chef for over 40 years. With a passion for cooking and travel, Chefstravels was born. Thank you for visiting my site and I wish you every success in what you do.

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STILTS BACKPACKERS hostel & treetop bar Diani beach