diani hotels

Why the Colobus Monkeys at Tradewinds lodge are protected

Facebook Twitter Youtube Pinterest Instagram Blog/posts Recipes Shop Videos Safaris Why are Colobus monkeys protected at Tradewinds Lodge in Diani? Unlike its relative the red Colobus monkey, These black and white colobus monkeys are fortunately not on the endangered species list. However mainly because they are hunted for their fur these colobus monkeys are highly […]

Neptune paradise beach resort and spa DIANI BEACH road

Facebook Twitter Youtube Pinterest Instagram Blog/posts Recipes Shop Videos Safaris The neptune paradise beach resort is one of Dianis High-end Hotels perched on Diani beach renowned for its paradise white sandy beaches and clear blue water. Neptune resort paradise beaches in Diani Neptune resort accomodation and rooms The Neptune paradise beach resort is very modern without […]