Samba and feijoada maxilla social club Ladbroke grove

Samba and feijoada night

The samba is a Brazilian dance that has its roots in Africa and was brought to Brazil by slaves from West Africa. Samba’s origins are tied to the Portuguese word “sambar” which means “to shake or swing.” It shares this name with an Afro-Brazilian drumming style, as well as a dish called feijoada made of black beans, pork sausage and beef jerky. This dish is served with rice, collard greens and orange slices. The maxilla social club Ladbroke grove 2 features live bands once a month for those who would like to experience the dancing and food firsthand!

The Maxilla is a social club that brings people together to enjoy the Brazilian cuisine of feijoada and samba dancing. The group meets regularly for an evening of fun, food, and dance and once a month with a live band. In this video, I have tried to capture the wonderful atmosphere here but of course, it’s best to go and enjoy the real thing.

A community of samba dancing enthusiasts, the Samba and Feijoada Maxilla Social Club in Ladbroke Grove 2 are always looking to find new members. They have weekly events that provide all levels of instruction for their members to learn how to dance with others, but also they help people learn about Brazilian culture through food and drink. The club is open every Monday from 7 pm until 11 pm for beginners, 8 pm until 11 pm for advanced dancers(always check for changes and up-dates first before going). You can even come by on a Sunday from 5:30 pm till 9:00 pm for an afternoon party where you can enjoy some delicious Brazilian cuisine while taking part in this passionate form of expression!

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Kevin Harrington is a keen photographer, blogger, and professional chef for over 40 years. With a passion for cooking and travel, Chefstravels was born. Thank you for visiting my site and I wish you every success in what you do.

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Samba and feijoada maxilla social club Ladbroke grove

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