How Do You Make Lasagna From Scratch?

How do you make lasagna from scratch

With so many people asking HOW DO YOU MAKE LASAGNA FROM SCRATCH? I have decided to reveal this secret recipe they tried to hide from you. Just a few added ingredients and this dish turns from a gluttonous sloppy dish to an amazing, mouth-watering dinner fit for any occasion.

In this video I will show you step by step how to create the most mouth-watering Italian lasagna you have ever tasted. Based on authentic original recipes but with an added twist to give it that little extra taste that you won’t find in any other lasagna. This recipe is tried and tested in restaurants, at home and for delicatessen with astounding feedback and customer satisfaction.

To make lasagna from scratch could also include making the lasagna pasta sheets using a pasta machine, as this post is about making the traditional pasta dish, I have decided to do a separate post on how to make pasta from scratch.

With so many variations to this dish, without taking anything away from its traditional humble beginings and not trying to re invent the wheel, I have simply added a few of my own ideas to it without taking anything away. 

This recipe is delicious and simple to make with a few added twists just to freshen it up a litttle and keep it going for many more genrations to come, as it rightly deserves..

You may find these useful for preparing this dish.



  • Minced beef 1kg
  • Whit onion x 1
  • fresh Garlic x 3 cloves
  • Fresh Basil
  • Mixed herbs
  • caugettes x 2
  • Fresh spinach x 1 bag
  • Peppers x 3
  • Red onion x 1
  • Aubergiene x 1
  • Fresh tomatoes x 2
  • Olive oil x 4tbls
  • Tinned tomatoes x 1
  •  passata x 1
  • Tomato puree x 1 tube
  • cheddar cheese x 400gms
  • Mascarpone cheese x 200gms
  • Butter x 100gms
  • Double cream x 1 pot
  • Milk x1&1/2 pints
  • Plain flour 300gms
  • water x .25 ltr
  • salt & pepper to taste
Cooking procedure
Tomato sauce

Prepare your tomato sauce.put 2 tblsp of Olive oil in a hot saucepan and add the chopped white onion, sweat the onions until they start to turn light brown, then add your chopped tinned tomatoes and your passata. Bring to the boil and leave to simmer for 1 hour. Add some water if necessary. 

Lasagna Tomato sauce
Bechamel sauce

Pour milk into a saucepan, Ad the butter. Turn the heat up to full and wait for milk to start rising, mix plain flour with water to a creamy paste. When the milk rises, whisk in the flour and water paste until the sauce thickens. Remove from heat and add both cheeses & cream. season to taste. 

lasagna bechamel sauce
Roasted vegetables

Remove the seeds from the peppers, cut into big slices and place skin up on a baking tray. Slice caugettes and add to tray. Peel and cut the red onion into 4 and add to tray. Slice the aubergine and add to tray. Sprinkle with Olive oil, mixed herbs and salt & pepper then place in a hot oven 180c for 45 mins or until they start to brown.

Lasagna roasted vegetables

Pour 2tbls Olive oil to hot saucepan. Add 1 chopped white onion and fry until starts to brown. Add the fresh Garlic and stir for 1 minute. add the minced beef and some mixed herbs. allow to cook for 10 minutes stiring with a wooden spoon regularly. Pour in the tomato sauce and  leave to simmer slowly for 1/2 hour. Add the fresh spinach and remove from heat. 

lasagna Bolognaise sauce
Prepar lasagna

Spread thin layer of white sauce on the bottom of your baking dish. Cover with 1 layer of lasgna pasta sheets. Add some roasted veg on top and cover with bolognaise sauce. repeat this process again then finish by adding a layer of pasta sheets on bolognaise sauce and topping with Bechamel sauce. Garnish with sliced tomatoes, sprinkle with grated Cheddar and parmesan cheese and some mixed herbs.

prepare lasagna for oven
Cook your lasagna

Place your lasagna on the middle shelf of a pre heated oven 170c. Allow to cook for approx 45 minutes or until the top Turns to a golden brown. Remove the lasagna from the oven and slowly stab the center with a thin long knife. if the knife penetrates to the bottom of the dish smoothely, then your lasagna is done. If the knife does not penetrate smoothly the return the lasagna to the oven for a further 20 minute.

Take your lasagna out of the oven when it is cooked and serve hot to your eagerly awaiting guests. Offer some extra grated parmesan in a side bowl with a spoon. And the rest is history. 

Serve lasagna hot from oven

Bon appetite

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Kevin Harrington profile

Kevin Harrington is a keen photographer, blogger, and professional chef for over 40 years. With a passion for cooking and travel, Chefstravels was born. Thank you for visiting my site and I wish you every success in what you do.

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How Do You Make Lasagna From Scratch?

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