Green Village Italian Deli grocery Swiss cottage Belsize rd

green village italian deli

Bring Italy to your table with a wide selection of Mediterranean products Green Village deli and grocery in Swiss Cottage is an Aladdin’s cave filled with so many wonderful choices of pasta, olive oils, sauces, a wide choice of salumeria, mixed selection of Olives, fresh cooked Italian dishes and much more. Green village works with only the finest specifically chosen nominated suppliers, so you will not find many of the items on their shelves in any other high street stores or supermarkets.

green village outside seating
green village outside seating
Green village deli swiss cottage
Green village deli swiss cottage
Green village pasta window
Green village pasta window

What is sold in a traditional Italian delicatessen?

Italians are renowned for their pasta and tomato sauces. Green Village is a traditional Italian deli where you can find most cooking products, Salamis and prosciutto and of course many of the traditional Italian Olive oils, tomato sauces and cheeses. Italian cuisine is rated as one of the best in the world, and the products used in the production of these wonderful dishes must be of the finest quality.

selection of prosciutto
selection of prosciutto
selection of green village olive oils
selection of green village olive oils
Green village pasta selection
Green village pasta selection

When you consider not only how many different Italian products and different varieties of the same products it would be difficult to fit them all into this post. Most of the products you will find in an Italian deli will soon be available to purchase online from the green village website which is still in the process of being developed. Generally speaking most Italian/Mediterranean food and cooking products including ready-made dishes can be found in a traditional Italian deli. Green village is now on too good to go App so you can try some of the products at a reduced price.

Is an Italian Salumeria the same as a delicatessen?

An Italian Salumeria is generally a shop selling cured meats such as Salami, Panchetta, prosciutto, mortadella, chorizo and the list goes on. Similar to a french or Spanish charcuterie. It is common to find a Salumeria in a delicatessen as the two go hand in hand as far as food products are concerned even though they are different in many ways. Most often found at markets along with cheese stalls a Salumeria is always a stopping point even if only to have a free sample of this fantastic cured meat.

Most Italian delicatessens including green Village will have a wide selection of Salumi (The Italian name for all cured & smoked meats) Predominantly most cured meat like mortadella, Salami and pancetta come from pork, however, Bresaola is beef but is still considered to be salumi. To clarify this A delicatessen would not really be called a salumeria however a salumeria can be found within an Italian delicatessen.

10 Different types of salumi often found in a deli.

6 Salami
7 chorizo
8 Sopressata
9 Pepperoni
10 Cacciatore

1 Coppa
2 Pancetta
3 Mortadella
4 Speck
5 Guanciale

Pancetta from green village
Pancetta from green village
selection of Salami
selection of Salami
mortadella in green village
mortadella in green village

What cooked food could you find in a deli?

Most delicatessens pride themselves on not being associated with factory manufactured processed food and tend to go more in the direction of home-cooked traditional dishes depending on the region or country they are from. A traditional British deli for example will serve a selection of pies, cold roast meats, and traditional cheeses. The Mediterranean deli will be more into their pasta, Lasagna, traditional salads, moussaka, cured meats and the list goes on. Cooked food is generally served cold in a deli so the customer can take it away and reheat it when they get home. Generally speaking, most delis will have a wide selection of traditional dishes usually made with ingredients sourced from the deli itself.

Green village cooked food deli
Green village cooked food deli
Green village cakes and pastries
Green village cakes and pastries

Unlike a restaurant or a cafe, you can not only buy ready-cooked food in a deli but you can do your shopping as well. This is the perfect scenario, you don’t have to rush home and start cooking as it is already made and just needs warming up. In the meantime you have now got all the ingredients you need to prepare your next meal and you can take your time as this dinner is good to go.

What is the difference between a deli and a cafe?

A delicatessen is generally a shop or market stall selling food products such as cured meats, cheeses, pies, cold cooked meat, salads and pre-cooked homemade meals ready to be reheated when you arrive home. A cafe, on the other hand, will serve you a selection of cooked food with a choice of hot drinks such as coffee or tea and will normally have tables and chairs so you can eat your food on the premises. Well, the times are a-changing and it is becoming more common to see a delicatessen with tables and chairs, a coffee machine and serving hot food.

This to me is the perfect solution to being able to do your shopping and have dinner or even just a snack with a nice coffee all under one roof. Maybe this takes away the ambience of a traditional old-style deli but I prefer to look at it as a great addition, especially when you walk in and the wonderful aroma of fresh-baked garlic bread or lasagna with some Mediterranean music softly playing in the background. I’m not the best when it comes to going shopping but this is a pleasure.

What is a delicatessen?

Most countries have their own version of a delicatessen. Generally speaking, a traditional delicatessen is a shop that sells mainly cold cooked or cured food items such as different types of cheeses, cold roasted meats, cured meats, salads, filled rolls, and normally a selection of home-cooked traditional dishes. A farm shop could be the closest comparison to a delicatessen selling home produce unlike large quantities of massed produced factory processed food or tinned products. Cheeses, cured meats and cold pre-cooked home-style food would be the best way to describe a delicatessen. Cold smoked or cured fish is also popular with coastal delicatessens, as fresh fish is in abundance and there is always some leftover to be salt-cured or hung in the smokehouse.

How to get to Green Village deli in swiss cottage

Head for Fairfax meadows along the Belsize road and when you get to the roundabout Green village is on your right.

Green Village Italian Deli grocery Swiss cottage Belsize rd

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