Easy Stuffed Aubergine bake Italian recipe

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This popular Aubergine bake Italian recipe is one of my favourites. stuffed with Mediterranean vegetable rich tomato sauce and topped with pecorino fresh basil and parmesan this vegetarian dish is the perfect meal served with a side of garlic bread for the perfect accompaniment.

In this video you can follow this easy to prepare step by step tutorial on how to cook this amazing Italian dish. This is the vegetarian option but simply add some fried minced beef if you want to keep your meat eaters happy. Make this dish at home or in a professional restaurant.

How to prepare stuffed Aubergine for cooking


  • Fresh Abergines x 4
  • 1green 1 red bell Peppers
  • 2 Caugettes
  • 1 pack fresh button mushrooms
  • Fresh Basil
  • 1 white 1 red onion
  • fresh chopped Garlic to taste
  • 4oz Pecorino cheese


1. Begin by chopping all your fresh vegetables, Onions, courgettes, Mushrooms, & Peppers into small dice & chop the Garlic. leave the aubergine until last to prevent it from oxidising and turning brown

2. Place a thick based saucepan on the heat and add 5 tablespoons of Olive oil. when the oil is hot add the chopped onions, give them a good stir and cook for about 10 minutes until they are well sweated but not turning brown.

3. Cut the aubergines in half, scoop out the fleshy insides leaving the skins intact. Dice the fleshy white part and add to the pot immediately. Add the rest of the prepared vegetables to the saucepan including the chopped garlic and stir well. Cook on a medium-high heat for about 15 minutes being careful not to let it burn.

add caugette to pot
add peppers to pot
add mushrooms to pot
all veg in pot

4. After allowing the veg to cook for 15-20 minutes add the chopped tinned tomatoes and the passata and the tomato puree to the pot. Crumble in 2 vegetable stock cubes, Season with salt and pepper and mixed herbs then turn down the heat and allow to simmer for about 1 hour stirring regularly.

Is abergine skin edible?

5. Place the skins on a baking tray and brush them with Olive oil. Not everybody likes to eat the skin but some do and it perfectly edible so best to season the skins then put them in the oven at about 190 °C for around 15 minutes.

6.Remove the skins from the oven and fill them with the mixture from the pot. Grate some pecorino and parmesan cheese on top, I like to great some mature Cheddar cheese on top as well as this gives it a nice kick.

How long does it take to cook stuffed aubergine in the oven

7. As most of the cooking process has been done at this point, we are mainly baking the aubergine to melt the cheese and bring it all together. Put the aubergines on top shelf of the oven and cook at 190 °C for approximately 10 minutes or until light golden-brown glaze on top.

8. Your baked aubergines are done, and it is time to rep your rewards. Gently place some of the mixture on a plate and settle the aubergine gently on top. Garnish with some fresh basil and give it another sprinkle of grated parmesan. Serve hot with a side of freshly baked Garlic bread. Enjoy.

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Easy Stuffed Aubergine bake Italian recipe

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