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cannabis legalized in thailand
Thailand legalizes Cannabis/Marijuana. IS IT TRUE?
Thailand legalizes Cannabis/Marijuana. Yes, it is true that Thailand has legalized cannabis for medicinal use. On June 9th, 2022, the Thai government announced that it would be allowing the cultivation,...
sous vide vs boil in bag
The difference between sous vide and boil in the bag cooking
The difference between sous vide and boil-in-the-bag cooking? If you think sous vide is no different to boil in the bag, YOU ARE MISTAKEN. yes food goes in a bag and yes it is submerged in hot water...
unique trailers australia
Unique camper trailers Australia, this one caught my eye
What are the benefits of a camper trailer in Australia? Heading out on a camping adventure is exciting, depending on where you intend to go will of course be contributary to what you take. If you don’t...
hung prosciutto good pi
Is Salumi platter Italian version of charcuterie board?
Italian Salumi platter and French Charcuterie, Yes they have similarities but don’t make the mistake of saying they are the same. THEY ARE NOT. Every country has its own version of a cold meat platter,...
Kevin Harrington profile

Kevin Harrington is a keen photographer, blogger, and professional chef for over 40 years. With a passion for cooking and travel, Chefstravels was born. Thank you for visiting my site and I wish you every success in what you do.

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